Sunday, October 2, 2016

Sacrifice: Damsel de Paris

"NO!!!", a high pitched shriek pierced the night air.

I turned to see a woman running through an alley. Moments later three dark figures followed after. 

I ran up the street toward the commotion, turned up an alley, made another turn and another when suddenly I was struck in the shoulder hard. I looked down to find the most beautiful woman I had ever seen lying on the ground scrambling to get up. 

"Here," I said holding out my hand. "What's going on?"

"You have to help me," she said exhausted. "They are trying to kill me!"

As she took my hand I felt the softness of her skin and when she stood her face was right in front of mine. In the light of the streetlamps and the moon I paused as her eyes peered into mine with ultimate vulnerability. 

After a moment I managed, "why?"

"They think I did something I didn't do." She said exasperated, frantically scanning the surroundings.

Just then I heard footsteps smashing through puddles nearby. 

"Go, I'll hold them off." I said motioning for her to run the other way. 

"Thank you so much." She said as she turned to run.

"Wait!" I said as she started away. "What's your name?"

"Luna." She said with a smile and then turned, disappearing into the night.

I stood and readied myself for whatever was to come. I had to weapons, other than my fists, but that would have to do. The footsteps grew louder and louder and soon were joined by gruff mutterings. 

Three men stood inches from my face with evil scowls and ugly mugs. 

"Get out of ze way." The ugliest one said in a thick French accent as he pulled a large handgun from behind his back. 

"Never." I said calmly. 

In an instant I was pummeling the one with the gun in the face and stomach. As he lurched back I elbowed the second man's face sending blood into the air. I dropped to my knees ducking the third one's right swing and jabbed at his groin striking his reproductive potential into a new time zone. Just as I turned I felt a hard thud to my shoulder and another to the back. I slumped onto the wet pavement writhing in agony. 

I recovered myself and as I looked up from my knelt position I saw the unmistakable circular hole of a revolver barrel pointed straight at my forehead. Before I could blink or scream there was only a flash of light. The bullet went straight through my skull and as the camera zoomed out I could see my lifeless avatar lying face down in the muddy streets of Paris. 

"SACRIFICE" The screen said boldly as the beautiful young woman's face began to take over the frame.

Looking longingly into my face she said "Thank you." 
And for a moment it was real. 

I took the visor off my head and glared into the dimly lit room of my apartment. As my eyes adjusted to the light I scanned the dingy room. Nothing different but the smile on my face.

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