Monday, October 30, 2017

The Myth of Why Men Shave

A long time ago men used to be proud of their beards and even more proud of their skills in combat. They were warriors and their beards were symbols of their strength and power.
Then one day, during a great battle, one man grabbed another man by the beard and pulled his face into an ax. 

From then on men were afraid that their beards would be used against them, so they decided to shave their beards and always keep them short. It was known that, "The man with the smoothest face has the sharpest blade." The men carried their blades for a time but as things changed and blades turned to words they put down their weapons and put on suits and ties and took on a new battle. That's why business men always have smoothest faces. 

But as time goes by and life becomes more comfortable and conflict is in decline the men are growing their beards back. 

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