Friday, January 20, 2017

Doesn't look like a big deal

01/20/2017 at 1 am

The weather has returned to normal and I went to work like normal. I helped customers like normal and took a break like normal. Then just as I was walking to the break room at the end of my shift to clock out I started walking with my head turned to talk to a co-worker, who was complaining incoherently, when I smashed the left side of my face against a steel pillar in the middle of the store. I looked around and no one had seen. Thank goodness. Then I felt my face and found blood on my hands. A slight amount of panic began to set in as well as the general pain emanating from my left eyebrow. I went to the break room, told the manager what happened and began treating the wound. It bled a bit but stopped fairly quickly with pressure. I looked around for small bandages but couldn't find any in any of the first aid kits.

I decided to just go home and when I got their I showed my brother. He helped get a couple of butterfly band aids on and took a few pictures of course. I applied ice to my face while we watched some Dexter and I ate dinner. Then I watched the most current episode of "Game of Thrones" and then started watching "Breaking Bad" again.

Here's a picture of my head:

Doesn't look like a big deal but it is swollen as fuck now. Smashing your head into a pillar is not recommended. 

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