Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Then I dueled my nephew in a game of Yu-Gi-Oh

01/04/2017 at 1:40 am

Today I woke up around 11:30 and ate a vanilla yogurt and drank a V8 Fusion energy drink. Then I had chili and watched another Ben Shapiro panel debate where the topic this time was racism. It was an interesting debate but I am not sure if any real solutions came out of it. I was not convinced the panelists on the democratic side were well informed and they were not very consistent with their positions and arguments. My brother and I discussed the topic at length through the day during and after watching the video. It seems like some people chalk up a lot to racism but don't have much evidence or solutions other than telling white people to "stop it".

Then I took a walk with the nephew to a local park but it was around 34 degrees so we didn't walk long. Then I dueled my nephew in a game of Yu-Gi-Oh. He won but it was actually kind of fun. Then I read a chapter of "The Graveyard Book" and took a half an hour nap.

Soon, my brother was home from work and dinner was being made. It was fish, tots, salad, beans, and hard boiled eggs. An amazing home cooked meal. I am spoiled here. Then my brother and I worked a bit on the Fractal Focus website creating pages for videos, photos, client work and the like. Then an episode of Dexter with my brother and his wife and after that I exercised, took a shower and then played Battlefield 1 for a bit.

I was watching Comedy Bang Bang when I realized I hadn't written in my daily blog diary thing so here I am. Next, more Comedy Bang Bang and then sleep.

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